Night ๐Ÿ™‚




Ack. Another all nighter. Got a lot of good work done on this site
and some of our other projects. There is a brand new page in stimuli,
the table of contents (toc).

I went with Kimiko
to see Gone
in 60 seconds
.. I liked the flick a lot and it seems to be getting
some good reviews.
The 11:15 show was totally sold out so we hung out and grabbed the

We are still getting screwed by our investor – we didn’t get nearly
as much money as we were hoping to get, but hopefullyMonday is going
to be another chance at redemption. No, I am not telling you who
it is yet, but stay tuned for a lot more information soon.

In other news, I think I figured out how I want the Flash on this
site to look, so I have been working on it as well.

Night ๐Ÿ™‚