A special thanks to




A special thanks to special girls – way too late,
but important…

I was not forgotten on Fathers day, and I really like that. Some
of you may or may not know that the
sometimes call me "Daddy" – they have a short
on the topic on their site. You can find other points
of view on this type of dynamic on the web as well [1][2]
though they don’t really match the way it works here, each probably
has some insight to give.

Personally, I love the term… it has a lot of meaning for me,
and I know they don’t use it lightly. Yes, there are some aspects
of it that are kinky, and deliberately so… but mostly it is a
comment on our relationship.

It also serves as an interesting indicator of how the relationship(s)
are going. When someone is pissed off at me I can always tell because
they retreat farther and farther from calling me Daddy, and you
can tell they aren’t thinking of me in those terms. It’s distressing
to me when it happens to be honest – it is like your girlfriend
suddenly calling you "Mr."

Now, sometimes I deserve the extra formality because I have
been a prick, sometimes I don’t deserve it and it is a mood swing,
sometimes we are in a more formal protocol
and it just has to be that way and sometimes it has nothing to do
with me at all… but I would almost always rather be "Daddy"
than anything else.

If someone calls you "Daddy" it means they look up to
you (at least around these parts), and the flipside is very special
to me… it makes me think of them as mine. Not really in a BDSM
property kind of way – though that is certainly an aspect I hope
for as well in my heart of hearts. My instinctive response is to
think of her as "my little girl".

It makes me proud, it makes me feel good about myself, and it arouses
me of course. I don’t know that I ever feel better about myself,
or closer to them. Of course, I hate liking it so much – it makes
me vulnerable, but it’s worth it.