Well, stress is a wonderful thing ๐Ÿ™‚




friction causes smoke – what happens when you rub
nothing together?

Well, stress is a wonderful thing ๐Ÿ™‚

I have a great team around me for dotPublishing
and I have no doubt that we have the skillset we need. I certainly
do need the support and the stability they provide to the process
– sometimes I get way, way to focused on some aspects of what I
want to do and the others have to remind me of the bigger picture.
That is the way it should be though, as I see it.

Our current lack
of funds
has driven the pressure/stress level through the roof
around here lately – but anyone who is watching our little part
of the web knows that. Inevitably, the discussions have looked at
contingency plans. What happens if no money comes to us, what happens
if this company has to go underground for a while?

Well when your talking about how much money you don’t have, you
obviously wind up with questions about how you spent what you used
to have and how you are spending the little you have left. Just
as obviously, most people don’t agree about how resources are allocated,
and how they have been in the past. What one person considered a
good way to spend money is another’s idea of a frivolous waste of
time. We had one of those talks ๐Ÿ™‚

The details don’t matter, suffice to say that for a little while
I think everyone felt defensive about the points they were making.
Hopefully, in the end everyone felt like their voice was heard because
we sure do need all the IQ points we can find looking at this sort
of thing.

I can see how this pressure could tear a company or a relationship
apart – it is so easy to feel like you are giving more, working
harder, sacrificing more than the others – it makes you wonder how
it is they have the balls to question how you spend the money. If
that view, the one that says your own self is more dedicated than
the others takes hold then there is real trouble ahead.

Essentially, when you think that your the one putting out the most,
you want everyone else to just shut up ๐Ÿ™‚

It comes down to this, you MUST remember why you chose these people
in life or in business. You chose them because you believe in them
– and you hope they believe in you. You chose them because you can
trust them – and you hope that they trust you as well. If that is
not true, then you shouldn’t be in a partnership – business or life.

I trust everyone who was part of that discussion – Kimiko has dedicated
her life to my dreams, Tatsumi has bent her entire will to this
from the moment she realized what ‘it’ was, and Christopher has
had my back for my whole life it seems. I trust them so much I have
put this dream in their hands because I sure as hell cannot do it
alone. It’s easy to forget that at times, but I try not to let that

Thanks guys, I know it’s not always easy to keep me on track ๐Ÿ™‚