you ruined my favorite catsuit – ugly is not fun




you ruined my favorite catsuit – ugly is not fun

Let’s face it, pretty things are nicer to look at than ugly things. That’s
why the are pretty! This should not really be that hard a concept
to keep in mind, but it always winds up surprising some

I find an
interesting place. They certainly seem to have jumped into the digital media
age with both feet and the articles have a wide range to them. However, the
do have a editorial bent into this "woe is me" PC victimization routine.
Then again, they spend a lot of time talking about sex.

In any case, one of their current
seems upset that the women in computer games are often *gasp* attractive!
Of course, the men are usually build like an action hero as well, but that doesn’t
seem to be an issue. The article seems confused that the main character is in
a tight catsuit – and not duct
. Apparently, they want "real" women styles in the games,
you know, like the people you see on Oprah.

Get a grip. Take Joanna
from the game Perfect
, or better yet, leave her to me. Here is a game that involves action
adventure, espionage and an alien named "Elvis". This is not
the place to start whining about real world portrayals of anything at all.

Computer games are fantasy. If your going to spend hours and
hours role playing a vampire
then you probably want to also imagine that the world is full of babes
(or studs, as your bent may be) for you to spend time with. There isn’t a thing
in the world wrong with that.

Somehow "Hey, can I role play a immortal vampire and spend eternity with
butt ugly people with leprosy?" is not the #1 question game makers get
this year.

No shock.