loathing and more loathing in NJ – a whole bunch’a info




loathing and more loathing in NJ – a whole bunch’a info

I am way, way too tired to try and split this into a series of posts – but rest assured there are a few essays (rants) on the way and some cool info on the technical front. In the meantime… here it is fast and furious.

  • Flagg blogged. I am so happy! You should go read it.
  • I am addicted to watching the Olympics. The NBC coverage is pretty good and the time delay can go stuff itself ‘mate. There is just something about the drama that penetrates even this cold and calloused heart of mine. One of the highlights of all of it is seeing someone win who really seemed to appreciate it. In a world of stuck up people, that is always good. The upset in swimming is an example of this.
  • Some of the girls in the Olympics are damn cute! Young, cute, passionate and capable of a level of dedication that would stagger most people… I wonder if they know about The Estate?
  • I have gotten most of the network running here and it is looking good. I will do a longer post on how we have it set up but in short form… We are hiding a private network behind a Netgear RT311[review] router/gateway box. It does firewalling for us and NAT, allowing us to run as many devices as we want on the cable connection we have here. That private network is using the 192.168.x.x subnet for nice secure non routeable communications. Windows2000 Advanced Server systems are running it all, with Windows2000 Professional systems as the workstations. We have one remaining RedHat Linux box running sendmail.
  • Tatsumi is all settled in her new apartment and is running audio and video on the Girl2 site so you can see it if ya want too. Kimiko is also live on the web at Girl2.
  • I got a new mouse, my old one bit the dust. I like it, though it is taking some getting used to. I keep looking at the really fancy one but it is a little too large for my taste. I am a fingertip mouse kind of guy… now if only they made a cordless version!
  • I am getting ready to reload my box… I can’t help it. Even though Win2K doesn’t need to be de-loused the way Win98/WinME did, I just tend to install a lot of weird stuff and it is often useful for me to burn it down. Fortunately I have enough disk space on my servers to just back it all up.
  • I haven’t had a chance to discuss my views on the whole napster thing – but it is cool that the “bare naked ladies” are fighting back.
  • Not only is the name cool, but the first Linux CD-ROM I ever got was from these guys.
  • I got a lot of great feedback on my recent feminism rant (on the topic of expanding fear), and I will be answering it ASAP, as well as discussing some of the points raised here. Thanks for the feedback!
  • I think in every bloggers life, there is that moment when you realize people you don’t know are discussing what you wrote – and your not sure how they found out about you… that is extremely cool and a special thanks to all those out there who find this drivel even a little interesting!

That about wraps it up for now … more real soon!