by all means – slap her!

As I listened to the radio today coming home from a business meeting (it went well) I was turned on to this website. It took me a while to pull myself away from the “slap” button long enough to look at the rest of the content – and it turns out there is a lot of good content there.

“We’re going to get rid of the high school diploma, they said, and reorient everything toward vocational education, aiming at a certificate of competency by age 16.Skilled workers, as they go through life, will have to keep earning additional certificates, which will be administered by unelected state boards and regulatory agencies. Your name and certifications will go into a national labor data bank, in which all employers will be required by law to list all their available jobs, which will then be matched up to people.” – article

If you guessed Hillary Clinton then you win today’s prize on wheel-of-government!

Sound interesting? Follow the link and see more where that comes from. In fact, if you found that article interesting you might want to take a look at the biography that the articles author wrote about the subject of this little diatribe of mine. If you want still more, it seems the good folks over on Everything2 have a lot to say [1][2][3][4] on the topic of our dear First Lady.

“After she got over that hump, her office announced at the beginning of the second Clinton administration that Hillary’s number-one project was going to be community development banks. They created an agency over at the Treasury Department, and there was a lot of pressure from the White House to give out grants, though it turned out no proper evaluation procedure had ever been set up. So the lion’s share of the money simply went to institutions with which Hillary had long associations.When Congress asked questions about this, the fellow in charge went back and wrote the evaluations up, and backdated them. He was caught and had to resign. Though Mrs. Clinton’s office had claimed this was her number-one project, when it collapsed, Hillary suddenly had nothing to do with the initiative at all.” – article

I know, I know. No doubt the website will be railed against by indignant ‘feminist media watchers‘  everywhere that will predict the decline and fall of all society if such a thing is allowed to exist. To be fair, most feminists have only a loose grasp on the concept of freedom of speech as it is.

The site is a perfect example of what political satire is all about – bring ’em in with humor and then get ’em interested in the information you are trying to present. The hue and cry is not really going to  prevent that… because dammit: Slapping Hillary is just plain fun!

Book list: The Seduction of Hillary Clinton, No One Left to Lie To, The First Partner