if I said I had a nice body – nevermind




if I said I had a nice body – nevermind

Went to the gym today, working on push-ups with Kimiko
and worked on my abs with Satan. Then 15 minutes on an elliptical trainer and
45 minutes in the pool. I could really get to like this stuff – that is, if
it didn’t suck so bad.

All the voodoo priests and assorted witches who helped us out on Thursday did
a great job, now set your sights on Monday so we can sail through that one as
well. Kimiko is working her heart out and she deserves all the help we can give

We get to spend tomorrow night with Tatsumi
working on the current client project and looking over a overhaul of the demo
we need to ship out to investors. That will be a rough one but it needs to happen.
Then on Sunday it’s back here to have a client meeting then Tatsumi will sleep
here Sunday night, see her doctor and head back home. Fun fun fun ๐Ÿ™‚

OK. I am going to sleep. Night! (that means you too honey)