absolutely fabulous – oh baby, this is cool ๐Ÿ™‚




absolutely fabulous – oh baby, this is cool ๐Ÿ™‚

Flagg has assumed
ownership of AbsoluteBDSM,
a mailing list devoted to a rather specific portion of the BDSM
spectrum. I am sure he will have more to say on this in other venues but I am
going to be his evil henchman
and maybe I can worm my way up the ladder…

I would like to take the time to thank the previous owner (name withheld till
I can ask him if he wants to be named here) for giving us the opportunity to
continue the list. I will thank him additionally for going to such pains to
make sure we knew we had a free hand to make it our own.

Take Heed:

I have been a member of another BDSM mailing list called Dominion
for a long time now, and Cailin
is one of the best list owners I have ever come across on the net.

I love Dominion.

I have been on Dominion for years.

I will continue to be on Dominion for years more.

There is no possible reason for there to be any friction between these two
lists, and I have every intention of making sure there isn’t going to be any
from this point on – and I don’t really care what might have happened in the

Dominion is the best loved general BDSM discussion list I know of for great
reasons, and that will continue to be true for as far into the future as I can
imagine. Cailin and the moderators over there do a great job of making sure
Dominion is friendly and welcoming to the broadest range of people in this ‘community’
and I love the far ranging discussions that ensure from such variety.

AbsoluteBDSM is not currently a general BDSM discussion list, and I cannot
imagine it becoming one if as long as Flagg and I have our way.. the world doesn’t
need another general discussion list about BDSM. What there continues to be
a need for is a place to discuss the less than mainstream subset of BDSM that
some of us refer to as ‘absolute’ or ‘formal’ or ‘strict’ BDSM. AbsoluteBDSM
is that place, and it will evolve to suit us even more over time.

Internet politics and rumor mills being what they are, I am going to say this
as plainly as I can.

If you think that any of this indicates Flagg and I harbor ill will
to Dominion, your an idiot.

If you think that any of this has anything to do with recent politics,
your an idiot.

If you even begin to spread rumors to the effect of either of those,
then your an asshole and an idiot.

Is that clear?
