all the latest silliness – latest random stuff ๐Ÿ™‚




all the latest silliness – latest random stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

First things first, you might notice that at least for now the
log is right justified. I know, that might make it a little harder to read but
I lake the look.. at least for now. To be honest with you I am getting pretty
disgusted with my design. I like it for the most part, but it just doesn’t soar
as they say. I have some ideas in mind and I will be implementing them
when I get time … and that won’t be anytime soon.

I could give you all sorts of reasons for the right justification then, bullshit
you with the fact that I needed to create a strong right hand border and so
on but the reality is that I just think it looks artsy so I am gonna use it
for a little while. Since I totally feel second rate in the blogverse. There
are some seriously
talented people
out there.

Yes. I know it is harder to read.


Tonight at the Dojo went fine, Kimiko’s
push-ups look like they are getting better and she got a grudging complement
from our Sensei so that is nice. It doesn’t mean that we can slack off on our
training but it does lower the panic level just a little bit and THAT is a nice

On the topic of Kimiko, look for a redesign on her site sometime in the future

It seems that weblint
is a success, I am getting some decent feedback on it from folks I know, though
no strangers really ever send me e-mail
often. I have noticed that because it is so easy to just slam a link up onto
weblint I haven’t really been blogging about stuff as much – I will be keeping
a close eye on that. On the positive side it means that this space, the main
blog, is really going to be used for the longer stuff.

OK. I caved. It’s left justified again, but I played with the indents. I guess
I simply have no art in me.