still awake – kill me




still awake – kill me

So it started simply enough. Flagg
says "hey, did you know that [email protected] isn’t working?".


So before I go to sleep I decide to fix it, it will be simple enough… just
add some lines to the sendmail
configs. So I pop over to rackspace
and do the deed.

estatestaff: soulhuntre,sirc,flagg
[email protected] estatestaff@localhost

A quick run through ‘newaliases’ (as root of course) and blammo. It should
work… now test it!

send mail… Flagg gets it. SirC gets it. I don’t get it.


try the obvious, KULL -HUP the sendmail process…

nope. Let’s see what sendmail
is thinking.

[root@server1 /etc]# /usr/sbin/sendmail -bv [email protected]
flagg... deliverable: mailer local, user flagg
sirc... deliverable: mailer local, user sirc

hmm… soulhuntre isn’t on that list.

[root@server1 /etc]# su - flagg
[root@server1 /etc]# /usr/sbin/sendmail -bv [email protected]
flagg... deliverable: mailer local, user soulhuntre
sirc... deliverable: mailer local, user sirc

hmm… soulhuntre isn’t on that list.


Dig into the
file. I won’t take you through all that… suffice to say that this is
what part of that file looks like… and why I have a book over 1000 pages long
on it ๐Ÿ™‚

some of /etc/

# Parse0 — do initial syntax checking and eliminate local addresses.
# This should either return with the (possibly modified) input
# or return with a #error mailer. It should not return with a
# #mailer other than the #error mailer.

…back 1 page

R$+ < @ $+ > $@ $>96 $1 < @ $2 > already canonical

# do some sanity checking
R$* < @ $* : $* > $* $1 < @ $2 $3 > $4 nix colons in addrs

# convert old-style addresses to a domain-based address
R$- ! $+ $@ $>96 $2 < @ $1 .UUCP > resolve uucp names
R$+ . $- ! $+ $@ $>96 $3 < @ $1 . $2 > domain uucps
R$+ ! $+ $@ $>96 $2 < @ $1 .UUCP > uucp subdomains

# if we have % signs, take the rightmost one
R$* % $* $1 @ $2 First make them all @s.
R$* @ $* @ $* $1 % $2 @ $3 Undo all but the last.
R$* @ $* $@ $>96 $1 < @ $2 > Insert < > and finish

# else we must be a local name
R$* $@ $>96 $1

Ok. No help there, nothing obviously wrong (you can see that, right?).

Dig around on the net for a while, turn up nothing useful.

Call rackspace
in case it is something specific to their boxen – like an anti-spam feature.
So they are looking into it, and I am finally going to sleep, I love those
Absolutely the best customer service I have ever had from an
ISP or host.

I hate you Flagg. And yes, I know is down we are working
on it ๐Ÿ™‚