big bag o’ quickies – fast and loose




big bag o’ quickies – fast and loose

  • A friend of mine wrote an article
    called "When
    D/s Becomes Abuse
    " on a website
    I never heard of before called "The
    Crystal Bridge
    ". While anyone who knows my views on the topic of
    abuse will be able to see that her thoughts on what is a sign of abuse and
    mine don’t match too well, I wanted to take a sec and give her ‘props’ on
    getting her message out. I am sure there are those for whom it will do a great
    deal of good.
  • I moved some of the sites files around to better organize it. This took
    the place of a redesign and let me keep my sanity for a while. You can find
    all the usual stuff in all the usually places – you just have to look ๐Ÿ™‚
  • rackspace
    solved my email
    . I could have done it in a few sleepless nights but why when they
    were happy to do it? I cannot say enough how much these guys have impressed
    me of late. Do you have any idea how cool it is for me to talk to a tech support
    rep who knows as much as I do?
  • It’s that time again. Dojo night. We are feeling pretty good tonight but
    we still want your karma, so emailt hat stuff over and pray to the "one
    who sleeps" that all goes well.
  • Tatsumi stayed over last night… it’s always nice to have her around ๐Ÿ™‚
  • A special thanks goes to Cailin
    for her support of our new list
  • Ginger has her own blog now called "Spankin
    The Monkey
    ". I like it because on top of everything else she is one
    of the few people I know who spells worse than I do!