humor break – cause you won’t see it otherwise




humor break – cause you won’t see it otherwise

Apparently, that big piece of flat glass on your desk calls to you in a way
the photocopied never did. It’s (mostly) private, you can put stuff on it and
show the world.

This is your brain.
This is your brain on your scanner.
This is the picture of your brain on your scanner on the Internet.
Any questions?

So people are scanning just about everything.

Themselves: Nobscan
and Boobscan seem
to be the winners here. Respectively they cover breasts and penises and personally,
it is funny as hell. Not really erotic, to be honest .. but very very amusing.

Their pets: I’ll be honest with you, I don’t know the URL’s for ‘dogscan’
and ‘fishscan’, but I did find ‘cat-scan‘.
Yes, it’s what you think it is… and yes, it does say a lot about the people
who do it but the cats really don’t seem to mind much and there is a lot of

OK… break over, back to work.