osOpinion: “tactical error “




osOpinion: Tech Opinion commentary for the people, by the people.

“So I made the tactical error of saying “You’re acting like {insert name of big, demonized software company here},” and I got the same sales talk about how Linux is so much better because it’s open source and the wave of the future and scalable, did I mention scalable? At that point I knew we were not communicating well verbally. Our worldview, our paradigms, if you will, were not meeting. So, I composed an e-mail that, I hoped, would not immediately attract buzzword-compliant sales babble. One that would give concrete reasons for our expectations of complete delivery of what we’d already paid for, and been certified to instruct upon. Amazingly, this did penetrate. We did get what we needed to conduct the class. (And we even got the silly t-shirts too.)”