many topics – playing catch up…




many topics – playing catch up…

  • Sorry for the delays, but I have been working like a dog and trying to get
    my financial house in order. A few items of import from the last few days
    are worth mentioning here.
  • I don’t know if folks usually just skim the top blog on my pages, but if
    you want to see what I have been up to with my programming you want to look
    at the previous entry.
  • Even though I do not currently have the free time to write, I have been
    using my spare brain cycles to think about some of the essay’s I have been
    putting off for a while. I am not guaranteeing anything but look for two,
    maybe three essays covering BDSM, training and the dynamics of the Daddy ‘role’.
  • I cannot even begin to tell you how much I am enjoying the TV show Dark
    It goes without saying that Jessica
    is the hottest thing around right now. Hell, as sci-fi TV goes the
    plot isn’t even all that bad ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Financially of course it is still pretty glum, but we are surviving. With
    any luck at all the proposal we made to the folks Tatsumi’s working with now
    will be approved and we can get some sort of stable, albeit small, income.
    Overall the situation is not totally lost but it is pretty upsetting that
    the T-1’s have had to go on indefinite hold.
  • If you know of an investment type, or someone who knows someone who wants
    to invest in high-tech, tell us! Our business plan is rock solid
    and our market opportunity is getting really juicy.
  • Generally speaking, dotPublishing is starting to move to the new wave in
    web publishing – it is our intention to continue to stay on the front edge
    of the curve instead of the back. That means we embrace the use of Flash and
    will be moving all of our sites to the hottest development platform around
    – Microsoft’s .NET architecture on Windows2000 servers. Nothing else even
    comes close to giving us the options to realize our vision.
  • Continuing the dotPublishing trend, we will be moving to a more "middle
    man" consultancy niche. While we hope to be able to devote our time entirely
    to "Project X" in the near future, in the meantime we will continue
    to take on clients. However it is our intention to become much more involved
    in the architecture/concept development side that the low level coding and

    Why? Looking back on the projects we have been involved in for the last two
    years it is clear to us that we have provided significant value in the form
    of design and concept skills… we know how to take an idea and run with it
    until we have a devastatingly good final architecture… and we are technically
    savvy enough to know what will work and what wont. In fact, the value we have
    provided in that way has probably far exceeded the value we delivered in the
    form of code.

    Let’s face it, an hours worth of code is an hours worth of code – you can
    find that lots of places… but an hour of consultancy that clarifies that
    identifies a major new feature or market opportunity has a much farther reaching
    impact on a client, and in future projects we are going to explore those skills
    more completely.

    We will probably begin to also act as the middle men between the client and
    third party development houses to arrange for code creation. It is becoming
    less and less possible and practical for me to continue writing 99% of all
    the code we deliver myself as my time and skills are better used in other
    areas of dotPublishing.

  • Kimiko is doing well at the Dojo, she is working hard and it is starting
    to show – shemight not see it much but she is getting much stronger in her
    upper torso.
  • I finished "The
    ", it was horrible. The book itself was OK, but it is too
    bad Arthur C. Clarke has lost his ability to maintain any perspective. He
    is so busy preaching against "those crazy gun owners" that the rest
    of the book becomes one dimensional and silly. I used to think he was brilliant
    – and I am sure when he was younger I am right… but now, it’s just sad.

Ok, that’s it! Bed time!