just some notes – life as we know it




just some notes – life as we know it

Ok… some updates:

  • Goodnight Tatsumi
  • Things are going well @ the Dojo. Kimiko
    and I are working out pretty hard to get in shape. I am now 258 pounds. I kind of
    like it but I should probably be down around 145 or so. I’m a big guy and I
    carry it OK… but it wouldn’t hurt to trim it out a bit.
  • In a perfect world someone would buy us this
    camera pack
    . If they really wanted to be nice they could get us the big
  • I have been working really hard on getting the design specs done for our
    client – it is taking a lot of time but I am really happy we are still able
    together after what
    . Granted, we are not going to be making nearly as much money on
    this now that we are doing management and design instead of also doing all
    the coding, but that’s fine by me. 
  • One of the reasons why the above is OK is because it should let us take
    some short term Guru gigs once this project is up and running and in the
    hands of the programmers. I know we did the right thing but it also guarantees
    we wont see any money in the short term and that is simply not going to work
    for us.
  • Money, well, let’s not talk about money. Everyone is broke and owes a lot of
    the green stuff to various bill collectors. I think I could probably find a
    home for 15,000$ and still be poor… hopefully something will turn up that
    lets me try and make up that shortfall. 
  • The demo redesign is getting some of our attention as well.. not much
    because we don’t have any spare time really, but we are able to talk about
    it a little in email and it looks like the ideas are coming back together
    again. I might toss more of the work on defining the biz plan at
  • I should have the membership stuff of girl2 online tomorrow. That has
    taken forever ๐Ÿ™‚
  • I decided I would be more than happy to do BDSM in from of a camera if it
    would pay the bills. What the hell, find some pretty models and work them
    over a bit for the big money – it will look good on my resume ๐Ÿ™‚

That about wraps it up for now, some sleep coming for me and I am really
happy to get it!