World War II Online –

World War II Online – Cornered Rat Software

“The first true combined virtual battlefield available on the ‘net, World War II Online™ is like nothing before. Players can tailor their game play experience within WWII Online™ to a degree of detail that has never been available before. It starts by creating a persona in either Axis or Allied service, and for an individual country specific to that side. From there players can gain combat experience in all three services, or focus on a single one, and rise through a ranking system that allows for more control over increasingly intricate game features. For example, get good at tanks… and you get more control of the missions that the Army runs. Gain experience in ships… and you’ll be trusted to command big capital ships and even naval deployments. A player’s ability and experience can be leveraged on a “career path” that can lead to high command positions within a specific branch of service. And yet, within this same system, WWII Online’s gaming standard still supports a player who simply wants to log on for a fight without concern for rank or power. Any level of participation is possible in WWII Online™, from a casual fighter pilot looking to just get some kills and get home, all the way up to a theatre commander who manages entire campaigns.”