This is, of course, bull.




or … why normal people are not incredibly hot – this should be obvious, right?

ed note: due to the nature of the web, the article linked below no longer exists at it’s URL. I have a local copy available here for now.

So in one of my favorite chat channels tonight the topic of beauty came up… as it always seems to do when I am around (amazing, but true!). Anyway, I have discussed this topic before, and I am sure I will again… but a short rant never hurt ๐Ÿ™‚

“Popular culture, reinforced by mass media, plays a cruel, tantalizing game with us all. In its commercial mode it creates an idealized standard of human appearance impossible for 99% of us to attain and then sells us products and services to help correct, minimize or disguise our inevitable shortcomings from this air-brushed image of perfection” – full text

What amazes me is that the above quote is mentioned as if this is somehow a new thing, or a bad thing. What it is is simply obvious.

I know, I know – it’s all the rage to talk about how beauty is a purely social creation and that at some time, some place, everything from something that looked like a twig with feet to the sort of body only Ahab could love. In other words, the current political correctness and feminist movements would like us to believe – beauty is totally cultural.

This is, of course, bull.

“The research results so far are surprising-and humbling. Numerous studies indicate that human beauty may not be simply in the eye of the beholder or an arbitrary cultural artifact. It may be an ancient, hardwired, universal, and potent behavior-driver, on a par with hunger or pain, wrought through eons of evolution that rewarded reproductive winners and killed off losers.” – full article

The same people who are so fast to tell us we get all hot and bothered over someone who is stunning because of our social conditioning have a complete kitten the instant someone says that homosexuality is a cultural issue and can be ‘cured’. “You can’t chose who turns you on!” they scream – then they turn around and tell me I am wrong for liking total babes.

Obviously, they aren’t making any sense. But it isn’t about making sense, it’s about trying to justify a political agenda. 

“Beauty was created by the media!” they will tell you – but this makes absolutely no sense you see. There is no reason in the world for the magazines to find the one in a million faces and try and convince us they are pretty – in the process having to pay those models millions of dollars a year. Hell no, if the industry REALLY wanted to make us worship something they would have picked the average person – we would react the the advertising the same way and they could get a model on any street corner and manipulate us with the appeal of fame and celebrity.

Contrary to what they believe… no one (ok, one or two fruit loops) really thinks they will become a supermodel by buying the brands of cloths or shampoo the supermodels use – what they DO know is that if they can emulate some of those characteristics in some form or another they can increase their attractiveness.

“Human beauty really has three components,” says Johnston. “In order of importance, there’s natural selection, which leads to the average face and a limited age range. Then there’s sexual selection,” which leads men, at least, to be attracted to exaggerated feminine traits like the small lower jaw and the fuller lips. “Finally, there’s learning. It’s a fine-tuning mechanism that allows you to become even more adapted to your environment and culture. It’s why one person can say ‘She’s beautiful’ and another can say, ‘She’s not quite right for me.’ ” – full article

Anyway, back to rarity. Why is is so shocking to realize that astoundingly attractive people are rare? Here is a hint for you…

For ANY trait that is desirable in ANY field of endeavor those humans who are truly gifted with that trait are rare.

That means that if a fit body is attractive then that .001% of the population who has an incredibly fit body will be considered most attractive. This is not cruel… this is life.

What astonishes me is that the very people who are spending so much time screaming about making sure you don’t define yourself by how you look on the outside are spending all this effort to redefine the standard of beauty so it includes them.

Get over it.