this sucks! – this sucks^2




this sucks! – this sucks^2

Grrr. My cable modem connection has been f*cked up all night. This is a real
pain in my butt.

I miss my T-1’s.

I miss my limo’s.

I miss eating out every day.

I miss being paid for doing nothing.


I will rise again! Oh yes, I will, you wait you will all kiss my ring, I will
rule the world, I will be back on top, oh yes, just you wait and see, this isn’t
going to keep me down for long. Grown men will tremble at my passing and young
women will fall at my feet for the chance to kiss my boots… this is not it!
You haven’t hear the last of me – no sir, and when I am on top you tell em all
you knew me now before I made more money than Bill G. and before they all had to
call me "Pope Soulhuntre"… and then I’m going to….

…I am going to sleep now.