I have a flat ass! – and who says no one cares about people anymore!




I have a flat ass! – and who says no one cares about people anymore!

Let me tell you, the net is just full of wonderful people – it just makes you
happy to be human. I am going to post here in it’s entirety (almost) the e-mail
that I was sent… because I think wisdom like this just has got to be shared
with the world.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Subject: GIRL2

Well, I’m not sure if you read your mail, but the time has finally
come for
me to fess up…and give you people some advice. I’ve had membership
privileges to your site for over a year now, and I cancelled after the
month! Is it no wonder that you’re living at your boyfriends moms house?
would have signed up again if I had actually lost access, but true to
rumor on the internet…you don’t. You just sign up, then cancel and you’re

in forever.

You’re not on top of your business…I know that girl2 is not supposed
to be
your business, but whatever else you’ve been doing obviously isn’t working

and just stop and figure up the revenue you’ve lost on me, and then add
least 8 other people I know who are doing the same thing..it does add

I’m just trying to help. I feel so sorry for you guys. One girl left
of money, and like I said before, you’re living in a room at your…dare
say…your "owners" moms house…lol…wake up please! Whatever
you guys are
trying to do..it isn’t working. I know, you think you’re a slave..but
real. You’re what? 27 or 28 living with your owner, who lives at his moms.

Sad, really, really sad. Tats said she’s in dept because she tried to
your owners business going…I was warned about guys like that when I
15..I’m sorry you weren’t. I’m sure that you don’t like or appreciate
letter, but you can believe it or not, I am trying to help you…get that

shit off the back of your neck..wake the hell up. You’re owned by a loser

living with his mommy. And he has a really flat ass. I saw it the night
[screwed on] cam. Get out while you can…I know you won’t and I’m
sending this to him too, so you guys can talk about what a bitch I am…but

at night, when he’s at tats, or online while you’re in bed..think about

where your life is heading, where you will end up…he can’t stop you

thinking about the truth, you won’t even be able to stop yourself from

knowing in your heart the truth of my words…then do something about


At any cost, at the very least…check out who all is gaining access
to your
membership area for free. I’m only telling you now, because I’m finding
life to painful to watch anymore, so I won’t be back anyway.

Now, why post this here? I’m not really sure… except this.

I have absolutely no feelings of shame about my life.

This is not really the first letter of this type (aside from the stuff about
access) that we have gotten, and it all seems to boil down to somehow a few
salient points:

  • I live at my parents now
  • We are struggling with our business
  • Kimiko needs to "wake up"
  • I am somehow preventing her from seeing "the truth"
  • Leave now, while you can!

Interestingly, anyone who knows me at all or sees what I write can see that
I tell it pretty much how
I see it
BDSM wise, and how I see it is not all that romantic. I am not
really sure what part of my BDSM philosophy is supposed to be sugar coated enough
to trap the unwilling and the unwary – because I don’t think I make it sound
all that appealing.

Yet somehow this amazing power over women has allowed me to bamboozle poor
Kimiko for years
and years now. Thank god there is the e-mail of a stranger to break my evil

Incidentally, I have a fantastic ass for a programmer

Sadly, it’s true – I live with my parents. Does it suck? Well yeah in a "he
man provider" kind of way, and that used to make me feel like hell until
I looked around and realized how many people seem to believe in me, and believe
that I can pull this off. Some of them are betting their entire future that
I know what I am doing and not just talking out of my (perfect) ass. They see
something that apparently our esteemed author didn’t see, or won’t see, or can’t
see. Frankly, I don’t care.

However, it is exactly that obligation to those who believe in me that brought
me back here, to my families home. While I am here I can help support those
who depend on my support. While I am here I can make sure I don’t need them
to subsidize the company for a while. While I am here I can make sure it all
wasn’t wasted effort.

Does it suck to have had to come home to live? Yes.

Would it have been worse to renege on my obligations to those who depend on
me? Hell yes.

Ah well, that’s life on the net – and almost all of my life is
on the net so this sort of thing is bound to happen. As for the little access
problem, we have reasons that are good enough fro us to have not been total
assholes about expiring old accounts under some circumstances – just goes to
show you if you try and be nice someone will just keep obsessing about the shape
of your ass.

Girls, I don’t know how you do it!