I sold out – I feel so dirty, but I can scrub with the big dollars…




Fine. I did it. I pimped my brain over at Keen.com, a place where you can make yourself available for phone and e-mail consultation about almost anything. My current topic listings are available here if you want to see what I think I am worth money for. Don’t worry, I’ll still be talking to you all for free in all the normal places for those little questions I enjoy so much ๐Ÿ™‚

Kimiko pointed me at it, and she has actually made money with this thing. Sadly, since I am not a cute girl talking about BDSM I doubt I will… but what the hell. Her listings are also available.

It’s an interesting system – you list yourself and what your an ‘expert’ in and hope other folks want to talk about whatever it is enough to pay the money your asking. The credit card stuff is all handled by Keen and they cut you a check each month. Further, they even manage the phone calls for you so no one every has to know your actual phone number. A pretty good deal all around if it looks like it is going to work. As far as I can tell they get 30% of the money.

Aside from the technical listings the big winners seem to be phone sex and tarot card readings – so at least some things never change ๐Ÿ™‚

If you decide to sign up, use this URL please and help me feed my starving children…

Since everyone wonders how it is going with project x– we got lots done this weekend and Tatsumi should be done with the mockup by midweek I think. That coupled with the design document will be timed just right. By the end of this week I hope to have my external team chosen with specifications in their hands.

You will be seeing some changes happening fast now as we gear up for the big pushes:

  • dotPublishing.com is alive and we are actively updating the content right now. This is crucial, that site is our online resume for the jobs we want to get from guru.com and it is the hub for the specifications we will be showing to developers for ‘project x’.
  • soulhuntre.com is getting a content scrubbing, it needs it and I need to do it so that I can put my resume here. Lots of the people who hit dotpublishing.com follow the links here.
  • girl2.com has been touched finally, the join page is alive and well and hopefully the girls will be getting lots of sign-ups now that all it better with the scripts.
  • thirty-days.com is due as well, you will see it change really fast as we prepare to begin a new chapter on 11/01/2000!

Speaking of Guru.com, you can go look at my profile and be amazed at all the stuff I know.
