state of the world – Linux, Microsoft, skydiving




state of the world – Linux, Microsoft, skydiving

I want to make sure I say this – especially because I just applied for a lot
of contracts on Guru
and you never know who might be checking in!

I like Linux. Really
I do. Penguins are cute. I have been running Linux servers for a long, long,
long time and our live environment is still a Linux box. I know Perl,
I can do Python and
I like my Apache. I
can code for Linux like nobody’s business and I rock as an admin.

I will be happy to work in a Linux/OpenSource environment
for a client!

(there, I said it)

However… there are times when you just have to look at that community and
shake your head in wonder. Let’s take a look at this
little gem
, a satiristic "Halloween Memo" from "Bill Gates".
Now, if you want to know what is keeping Linux down… go read that ‘memo’ then
go on ahead and read
the reactions
on that bastion of technical fervor at slashdot. You will
see a few things right off the bat:

  • An almost epidemic inability to see the real problems facing Linux
  • Hatred of all things Microsoft
    so strong it is completely blinding the vision
  • A pervasive layer of young ‘rebels’ along for the ride who just want to
    make sure it is all "free"
  • Linux releases are just as late
    and broken as their commercial counterparts.

In fact, a recent
on the linux developers list shows that any dissent in the ranks
brings the hounds out in full force including invitations to violence complete
with an address to go to. It begins to show that there is actually a lot of
unrest over there – but no one wants to speak up for fear of retribution. All
the while bugs that have been corrupting
hard drives
go ignored.

This is the "free" and "open" technical venue we are supposed
to trust with our servers?

Now the reality is that Microsoft turns out some great stuff. It doesn’t always
start off great – but it almost always winds up that way – or it gets dropped
early. Linux is not new you know – it’s been a few years now – long enough for
Microsoft to react. Long enough, in fact for it to become clear that Linux is
not moving forward as fast as it would seem technically. There is a lot of political
infighting in there, and a lot of broken code. Even the non-technical reader
can appreciate some
of the exchanges
, even among the big
in the Linux world.

Some things will simply never change. In the end, unless there is a lot of
$$$ involved innovation stops it seems. So let me make something else clear:

I like Windows.
I have 10 boxes in this room running some variation of windows and they run
like champs. Windows 2000 Advanced Server kicks so much ass that all of our
internal development is heading in that direction. The tools are outstanding,
the platform is stable and fast.

Bottom line – more gets done faster, and stays done longer on our Windows servers
than on our Linux boxen.

Ah well, in other news someone is panning on diving our of a
near orbit
. Freaky.

OK. My head hurts, my sinuses hurt and I am tired so I am going to sleep ๐Ÿ™‚
