bars and stripes – if you loved me you’d come visit more




bars and stripes – if you loved me you’d come visit more

On the ‘net, all things are possible. To wit, look at the fine ladies over at
"Pen Mates".
This service hooks you up with a "hot" woman in prison. I can think of
reasons why this is a good thing…

  1. You know they are used to hand-cuffs
  2. They are used to rape scenes
  3. They are probably bi (by now…)
  4. Parole means no safe word ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Thanks to lack of food in prison they are probably fairly skinny
  6. Nightstick, nightstick, nightstick
  7. Used to urinating with an audience
  8. Your floor is more comfortable than the concrete her butch cell mate had her sleep on
  9. She can help you get into your house when you lose your keys
  10. Electronic finder anklet means you always know where “your bitch” is!

Other sites to find these babes behind bars:

Very Special Women

death row inmates for pen pals


Prisoner Pen Pals site listings