The problem of course is that there are multiple, complex issues involved:




what is wrong with some people? – why think when you can chant
like idiots

By now, you all know that the US presidential election is still running into
trouble. Now, I am not entirely sure I have made up my mind on what the answer
is… I may come down on the side of a re-vote. 

I do, however, know one thing. It is absolutely asinine that some people
(this means you ‘Jesse’) are whipping up a frenzy based on something they barely
understand. Praying on the feelings of anger of the mob for personal gain some
of the ‘leaders’ in these communities have simply decided this is the time to
hold a riot.

The problem of course is that there are multiple, complex issues involved:

VALID – The ballot was probably confusing – this happens. I am not sure if
the ballot was illegal – and that is all that matters. Let’s be clear, if that
ballot was illegally constructed then I think it’s up to the judges in
Florida to decide what’s fair – and they will probably re-vote.

STUPID – This idiocy about people being annoyed that incorrectly marked
ballots were thrown away. When What the hell did you expect to happen to them?
Someone to guess what you meant? Hell no. If you screwed it up (punched two
holes or whatever) ten that vote is invalid and rightfully ignored.

CRIMINAL – yes, criminal. I think it is absolutely unbelievable that this
atmosphere is being used to bring forward every fear the minority communities
have in an attempt to bring additional pressure on the process. Under this laser
like spotlight innocent mistakes are being attributed to malice. More disturbing
completely unproven and unsupported allegations are being used to whip up
community hatred along racial lines for political gain. It’s a deliberate
attempt to bring riots out in the streets and that’s not cool at all. 

There will be violence – mark my words. Look at MSNBC and you
will see predominantly minority crowds facing off across roads from
predominantly white crowds – tensions are running very high. Why do I say
there will be violence? Because the leaders now flocking to the area have used
and incited violence in the past – does anyone remember Los Angeles?

I don’t think minority crowds are themselves violent – don’t get me wrong.
The source of the violence is Jesse Jackson, and if you give it a little while
you will no doubt see other ‘leaders’ down in Florida pushing their pet theories
of class war and conspiracy – bringing more anger and more heat to this.

What should happen? I don’t know – but I do know that the process
should be followed – and that sadly the hot heads won’t let that happen.