that crazy election thing – a short rant, long on feeling




that crazy election thing – a short rant, long on feeling

I know, I know. If your like just about everyone else on the planet you are
pretty sick of the US presidential election. Your probably wondering what the
issues are and what the problem is – and why any of this matters. I can’t answer
any of the big questions… but I do have some comments.

No guns: So far there has been no violence. So the next time some smiling
foreigner comes sidling up to you with a smarmy look on his face and makes some
snide comment about the election and how much better it is in dirtzicstan or
wherever he’s from, here are some suggested comments for you…

  • At least we can disagree about an election without a civil war (so far)
  • Say what you want, at least none of us have set ourselves on fire in protest
  • Give me an S, give me a U, give me a p-e-r-p-o-w-e-r!
  • Hey, at least we have elections!
  • Here’s an idea, let’s compare how long we had to wait in line for bread
    this morning ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Just remember, all your young women are moving here to be strippers!
  • We waste more food than most of you people eat!
  • Yeah, well… at least our President doesn’t have to use armed guards to
    solicit sex! – oh, wait. Skip that one.

Hand counts suck: Let’s be very clear about this. Machines are not perfect…
but there is now a whole lot of fraud going on – and the more they count and
recount the worse it is going to get. Aside from the votes being deliberately
miscounted we now have rather fragile punch cards being handled over and over
again by volunteers who desperately want to change the count of this election.

Do we really think that millions of little punch cards can be accurately counted
by tired, overworked humans in a hurry – humans with a desperately apparent
political agenda and that the outcome will be real and fair. Not just no, but
"hell no". You know better and I know better. Rampant fraud is the
name of the day now.

The hand counts will go on and on: Long after this election is over
the Democratic party will count these votes – why? Because they don’t really
care about the outcome as much as they care about being able to scream for the
next four years about how unfair it was. I promise, the hand counts will continue
– without adequate controls or supervision – until they get the result they

Hillary Clinton has already started pandering: it’s true. She has already
started calling
for the abolition
of the Electoral College… a issue she clearly has only
the loosest possible grasp on. At least you can express your opinion in a healthy

Your problems are someone’s picket sign: I was listening to public radio
yesterday, as is my habit when I am driving. Some of the hosts were discussing
with callers that maybe now the "rest of America" would wake up and
see the rampant fraud and intimidation that goes on in the electoral process.
In other words, they think thsi si somehow a logical extension. But it isn’t.
This situation is existing specifically because so many people are happy and
willing to cause trouble. They will see it as a vindication.

They are planning a million person march to protest at the inauguration. Of
course they are. Hey, nothing brings out the happy activists like something
to be indignant about.

God help us.