the way things are – who the hell is Soulhuntre?

the way things are – who the hell is Soulhuntre?

Sheesh. Lot’s happening … Tatsumi
had the week from hell, and Kimiko
has been pretty sick. I have been spending the last week on a crash course in
Flash development and moving along with my network support duties. So let’s
look at those and some of the fun and games…

  • Download the lates RedHat
    Linux distibution
  • Burn it to CD-ROM
  • Watch the server completely fail to recognize that CD-ROM
  • Repeat
  • Repeat
  • Copy CD-ROM files to a local FTP server, build the floppy for an FTP install
  • Boot server on FTP install floppy, begin install (this is in progress)
  • Go to
    webserver, tar up a copy of the website annd download that. when you are a
    few thousand file updates behind it’s much faster that way
  • Unpack the website into local working directory, configure Dreamweaver
    to see that copy (this is in progress)
  • Look all over,
    do a bunch of work on building themes into Flash 5
  • Look through my saved images, pick a few to build themes with
  • Update my blogger
  • Check out some alerts my server security watchdogs found, nothing serious
  • Updated Apache,
    PHP and MySQL
    on the webserver
  • Fixed a few problems that came along with the upgrade
  • Continued the search for freelance work
  • Posting on the various email
    I am on. They depend on me so… ::smiles::
  • Update the Nero software
    we use for CD-ROM burning

And so much more. You know, I usually get paid well for this sort of silliness.
Ah well, thats the point of working for yourself … you get to do all the things
you usually do, without the money!


One response to “the way things are – who the hell is Soulhuntre?”

  1. […] That shouldn’t be that hard, I thought. I’ve pretty much always been in the same place here at In fact, the first ever blog post I can remember making is still online, right here. Just for fun though, I went to the Internet Wayback Machine to find it. Turns out they don’t really go back that far and the first real “blog” posting they caught was 12.02.2000 and yes, that post is also still here. […]