well, that went well – seriously good feelings




well, that went well – seriously good feelings

I had a meeting today with an incredibly cool group of people over at
"client X" (I will name them when I get permission to do so) and spent
three hours with them.  The company does great work for a number of rather
large clients of their own – multimedia, 3D, video editing and the like. Their
output is everything from DVD to CD-ROM to the web. Very very cool stuff.

Anyway, it looks like I am going to be working with them… and now for the
list of good things:

  • The atmosphere is basically casual… these are people who want to get
    things done. Professional dress is the norm but I won’t be stranded in a
    suit and tie sort of thing.
  • The work is very interesting… they have a wide variety of needs and I am
    well suited to quite a number of them. That means I will be able to work on
    a number of different things.
  • They are willing to let me learn (on my own time of course) some of the
    things I can’t do now that I really want to be able to do in the future.
    Specifically, some of their video editing equipment
    is amazing and it seems that I will be allowed to get a chance to do some
    hands on with it after I check out and show them I won’t break it all ๐Ÿ™‚
  • I will be able to work freelance/contractor. We will be discussing an
    hourly rate and/or a per project rate. Further, these folks are willing to
    let me bill through dotPublishing as a b2b situation. This make my
    tax life much, much simpler. 
  • Tatsumi is going to be working with them as well it seems! Add this to the
    billing situation above and we have the chance here to keep dotPublishing
    running as a functional entity in the eyes of the IRS. This is a very cool
    thing and will really help dotPublishing reputation. To be able to say we
    worked with these guys will really enhance dotPublishing’s corporate
    credibility in the future.
  • They aren’t upset about my desire to build "project X". I spend
    some time talking with theme about it and they didn’t seem at all scared or
    concerned by it. Of course I will be extremely sure to make sure it doesn’t
    take away from or interfere with my work for this client – but it is a great
    thing that they don’t see it as a problem. I am not the kind of guy to hide
    or lie about what he is doing – so this might have been a deal breaker.

OK… more later. I am out with Tatsumi
for her birthday!