good girls don’t – ?hug?




good girls don’t – ?hug?

O.K. This is stupid. We all know that things have gotten really weird out
there. Really weird. The issue is that the extreme feminist
movement (you can see what they are like here)
have managed to find something that they and the extreme anti-sex right can
agree on. namely, that anything that is even a little bit intimate is probably a
bad thing.

You might want to reviews the following links, but I boiled it down for you: Link1
/ Link2
/ Link3
/ Link4

  • Beauty is bad
  • Seduction is bad
  • Sexy clothes are bad
  • ‘Hitting on’ someone is bad
  • Looking at someone isn’t just bad, it’s rape (see my previous
  • Kissing someone is unheard of! (article)
    – side note – a lame attempt was made to reverse
    the trend.

Anyway, the latest in a series of horrible sex crimes to sweep the United
States… hugging! Be afraid. be very afraid. What am I all
annoyed about? This…

"EULESS — Euless Junior High School recently
punished two girls for hugging each other in the hallway — something
the students say should be allowed and that lots of girls do.

Principal David Robbins says such physical contact is inappropriate in
school because it could lead to other things. Robbins said he stands by
his rule that no students should hug in school." – article

So, here’s the story.  Le’Von and Heather hugged at school. They are 15
and 14 years old, respectively. The first time resulted in detention – the
second time Le’Von was sent to the office of Principal David Robbins. Thank
god… because who knows where this could lead? Wait a minute… David Robbins

""Really, in junior high, they just
don’t need to put their hands on each other because they can get into
trouble," Robbins said Thursday." – article

Of course… this all has to do with what "type" of hug we are
talking about I suppose. I can sort of understand that there are people int he
world who would think that physical contact between school girls is a serious
threat to democracy as we know it. So what was this – was this a full on
"booty call" or just a simple hug?

According to the girls the hugs are innocent. One was for luck before a test
and the other just a greeting. Hmm… sounds innocent. But our savior is here to
show us how wrong we really are!

"Robbins, while not naming the students,
described one of the hugs as a "sexual encounter" because the
girls "were fronted up, body to body." – article

Now that IS serious. I am not going to comment on what I might think about
possible sexual encounters between young schoolgirls… I mean it. I’m not.
Just go to the next paragraph. Nothing more to see here.

I know that personally I hug people by standing 8-12 feet away. It shows them
how long my arms are and is a lot safer than the more sexually explicit version
anyway – you know, the one where you actually touch somebody. Anyway, hugging is
really dangerous stuff… let’s go back to Principal David Robbins, our oracle
on all things physical…

"He said that hugging in school increases
the chances of inappropriate touching and creates peer pressure for
students who may not want that type of contact." – article

Fortunately, we can all breath a little easier because this sort of thing is
simply not tolerated. In fact, there are some really harsh rules about it all…

"Hugging is not listed as an offense in
the H-E-B 2000-2001 Student Code of Conduct. But it could be considered
"exhibiting inappropriate familiarity," considered a Level 1
misbehavior in the code, said Dianne Byrnes, district director of
alternative education programs. Byrnes oversees the Student Code of
Conduct." – article

Thank god. Because the last thing in the world we want is our young people becoming
familiar with each other. Who knows where that could lead… I mean, aside from
David Robbins… he knows everything.


One response to “good girls don’t – ?hug?”

  1. katie b

    there is nothing wrong with hugging teachers are just trippin