sheesh – lot’s happened




sheesh – lot’s happened

Yup. I’m alive. In the last few days I have done a lot of tech work… all
will be discussed in a soon to be published entry:

  • Added 128 meg to my box (to 256)
  • Installed an HTML prozy
  • Defragmented my hard drives
  • Organized more than 4,000 email messages out of my inbox
  • Done the same for more than 12,000 messages in my archives (I have email
    going back more than 6 years or so in this format)
  • Cleaned 4 gig of stuff off my drives
  • Created another mail ‘identity’ for my image mailing list subscriptions
    so I can schedule delivery only once a day
  • Added more than 50 rules to my emailer to automatically sort/store incomming

All in all.. I am happy – but it has meant I was basically out of touch email
wise for a few days. Sorry ๐Ÿ™

I am going to sleep now… more later. I have 4 blog entries currently open,
so expect em soon. Not tomorrow night though, I have other obligations.