random notes & screaming freaks – cut my toes… please!




random notes & screaming freaks – cut my toes… please!

Let’s be honest, I live an alternative lifestyle. Some of my beast friends
are … well odd is too kind a word. I like chicks with piercings and I like
using a whip on soft skin till blood starts to flow. In other words, I am kind
of odd too ๐Ÿ™‚

The conventional wisdom is that when your weird you should somehow refrain
from judging others… and to an extent I can agree with that. For example there
are many who think I am simply an abuser and probably a rapist – people who will
simply decide that the partners I am with could not consent to the things we
sometimes do together. Because of that, I try and be understanding.

Let’s look then at another trend. The so-called "modern primitives"
movement is a sort of all encompassing new-age
weirdness that tries to explain the recent popularity of tattoo‘s
and piercing
as a search for spiritual meaning.

Of course, that’s basically bull. The whole body
thing is basically rebellion taking yet another form. Nothing
special, nothing especially spiritual. Sure, piercing or a tattoo can be deeply
meaningful to someone – but so are conventional rings or presents. This is
nothing incredibly new.

In any case, I am all for the loosening up process that has led us to the
point where even good
can get clit rings. trust me, I am REALLY all for it. The more sweet things with
nipple piercing in the world, the happier I am.

I will also be the first to admit that several of the things I enjoy in my
life (temporarily piercing girls, cutting girls with scalpels and my repeated
fantasies of injecting them with saline to temporarily enlarge their breasts are
among them…) might well be indications of serious developmental issues from
certain points of view.

Basically, I can understand why someone would think I am a little twisted for
wanting to cut the girl I am with and watch her bleed – and why they would be
equally disturbed to know I have found girls who think this is hot as well ๐Ÿ™‚

A glass house, you might say, for my next comment.

Amputating your own fingers and toes for fun is >not< a personal
statement, a kink or a hobby. It is a symptom of some pretty serious issues you
probably want to see a professional about.

If your curious about what I mean, take a look at the images
available. Now, I won’t go so far as to say this guy is crazy – I mean, what do
I know about crazy? But I will say that he might want to get in to
seem someone qualified to discuss the urges with him. is he nuts for having the
urges? The curiosity? Absolutely not!

But when you take a chisel and knock off one of your toes you might want to
consider some professional help.

"At a certain point of
going through with the chisel was a spray of blood a little like a
little water pistol.
Immediately after going through and
lifting my foot and noticing that my big toe was now separated, I
started pressure with 75mmx75mm bandages. If I would have not used the
rubber tourniquets, I might have excessive bleeding, but I didn’t. The
blood was about the same as my other toes. Eventually I rested, although
I did not sleep well. There was more shock than other toes." – full

Of course, how could
you just do something like this once

"If any of
you have further questions, feel free to email me and I will answer any
questions you have. Right now I just have three stumps on my left foot
and the big toe and 3 stumps on the right foot.

Yours in more and better stumps…" – full

Despite attempts to do so… this sort of thing is not a simple, harmless,
logical extension of the current body modification craze… nor should it be.
Let me put it in the simplest terms.

  • Tattoo – slightly rebellious
  • Piercing your ear – not worth discussing
  • Piercing your tongue – naughty
  • Splitting your tongue in half – odd
  • Cutting off your fingers and toes with a f*cking chisel in your kitchen
    – you probably need to seek help – you know, just in case.

That’s all for now, more in another entry soon.

Oh yeah, I want this
so bad I can taste it:

"True Blood. hardcover book, 64 b/w and
colour pages. Charles Gatewood and David Anthony Clark
I think the cover of this book would scare the hell of of most
casual bookstore browsers. Our vampire stripper, from the Bloodbath
review, covered in blood,  wrapped in barbed
wire, and multiply pierced in the throat and eyebrow
hypodermic needles. And compared to some of the photos inside, that’s
kind of tame."

It would make a great