randomness – here you go!




randomness – here you go!

  • I spent all day yesterday (Monday) in meetings for Client X at a large
    firm they work for. What a nightmare. I took copiuos notes so expect a long
    rant on the nature of cover-your-ass meetings and the type of idiocy they
  • I will be speaking at the TES
    meeting tonight on the topic of BDSM & The Internet so feel free to come
    on down. Since it is a TES meeting it will be surrounded by political
    silliness and inflated ego’s, but they are letting me speak so at least
    someone has a clue ๐Ÿ™‚
  • My Dojo class went well, we learned 2 or 3 all new ways to control an
    opponent who puts their hands on you
  • Another long story here, but the folks at Client X seem to be getting a
    handle on our working relationship
  • There is no good reason on earth to insist on sticking with Netscape 4 as
    a browser in the name of ‘compatibility’. It makes me wonder if they might
    not rather simply use smoke signals to be compatible with people who don’t
    have computers

Ah well… night! More info soon!