I can speak – even in public sometimes




I can speak – even in public sometimes

Well, I spoke at a TES meeting this (Tues)  evening about "The
INTERNET and BDSM". It wasn’t a bad meeting – I’ll have much more to say on
the topic in the future in addition to my 7 other pending blog’s. I just wanted
to update you all ๐Ÿ™‚

Work for Client X is going well… our relationship with them seems to be in
good shape – though they did send me to two meetings on Monday that would be
much more likely to lead me to kill myself than want to do it again. And yes, I
will be blogging on that topic as well.

On the other hand, I recently saw Dracula
and it wasn’t all that bad. While not the best movie ever it has a
number of cute babes in the mix and some interesting back story. Worth the money
if your bored on an evening.

More later… night!