like so many nice ideas – drowning in stupidity




like so many nice ideas – drowning in stupidity

Let’s talk about this silliness on MTV.
is the website of course. However, on the actual channel is a completely boring
screen of text – a lot like the "learn to read" programs on in the
early morning that have Famous
on them. In addition to the lame screen there are monotonous voices
reading what seem to be an endless series of "hate crime" stories.

I suppose I am supposed to be impressed. It’s edgy or something.

About every 3 minutes or so another monotonous voice comes on to tell me that
"Hate crimes begin with discrimination" and that I should let MTV
contact my president elect (that would be Bush by the way ::smirk::) and let
them tell him the earth shattering news that discrimination is probably a bad

I am sure this will come as a shock to him.

Of course, anyone who really thinks about it will probably conclude that
their solution – radically expanding the scope and type of ‘hate crimes’ in our
judicial system. I don’t really understand the idea of a hate crime.

Somehow, beating up an old woman because she might have $5 is a much more
moral act than beating her up because she is a minority? 

Let’s reverse this for a moment. Let’s say we pass a law that beating up
white Catholics is worth an extra 10 years in prison – how well do you think that
would go over?

Oh, the ‘hate crimes’ in question are apparently unsubstantiated reports of
crimes that have the word "allegedly" in them so often you wonder if
any of it really happened.

In one "hate crime" a Hispanic was threatened and slurred as he was
trying to move his car fromt he front lawn of the house he had parked it on the
night before while drunk.

Read that again. The front lawn. So some drunk idiot parks his
car on your lawn, and in the morning as you scream at each other you call him a
name. He is a hero now and your a hate monger.

Amazing. Simply baffling.

Ah well, that covers it. Let me recap.

  1. Hate is bad
  2. Legislating thoughtcrime is inherently bad and stupid
  3. MTV’s sense of style is totally shot
  4. MTV is so pretentious it hurts
  5. Most of those who look to MTV as a political force need their heads examined
