Whee! – look ma, I’m helping…




Whee! – look ma, I’m helping…

  • Contracts are good.
  • Money is good.
  • Experience is good.
  • Meeting new people is cool.
  • The day to day reality of work sucks ass.

That being said, things are going well with Client X. The work is interesting
and we are managing to establish a working relationship we can all live with, It
has been crucial that we have been able to make deadlines we can live with and
then say ‘no’ when needed to be sure we don’t get so many added
features/tasks that those deadlines are in

It’s cutting pretty heavily into my mail list time though – and that sucks
but I am getting a handle on that too. Hopefully this work will settle down to
about 50 hours a week – though I am really hoping to cut it to 30 or so. We
still have a business plan to do because as cool as this is – it is not what I
want to do with my life.

Ah well… just a fast note ๐Ÿ™‚