workin’ out – it’s all good (for now)




workin’ out – it’s all good (for now)

Well, we spent the last week in work hell. Tatsumi had a massive tooth infection
that led to a root canal, but even during those two days on codeine she worked
9+ and 12+ hours a day. Pretty freaky. 

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind hard work and lord knows we are no strangers
to long hours – but it was getting wierd there. We were tasked on 4 projects at
least and each one was needing results ASAP. It just wasn’t physically possible.
It was looking very grim for our relationship with Client X.

Fortunately, our contact/manager over there caught on to the situation and
just when it looked like we were going to have to make a serious alteration from
our side to this work relationship we were greeted with a morning of both thank
you’s and schedule alterations to take some of the load off and give us
additional resources.

Amazingly good timing.

It kind of creeped me out, to be honest, that somewhere in the office people
were saying "be nice to them!" like we were hot headed rock stars, but
fuck it, we deserved the thanks.

Short entry, I know, but I have more to make ๐Ÿ™‚