the grindstone – and my nose




the grindstone – and my nose

Well, I am back at work today (just till about 1:30pm I hope) and waiting for
an FTP download so I thought I would update you folks with some more randomness
from my life. I know your interested ๐Ÿ™‚

How do I know? Simple. That is the only reason to come to my page. That and
the fake "Live Nude Teens" banners I drop around the web to trick the
unwary into coming here.

Zany random items!

  • I found an old 1991 review
    I wrote
    of a C++ compiler for the Amiga. Now, this isn’t of much
    amusement to most of you but you might enjoy looking at any differences in
    writing style. It seems the same to me, personally. Oh – there is an updated
    one here,
    but I don’t know what the difference is.
  • If you look at an old
    of the NixPub listing you will see the entry I had up there for
    internet access for fun and profit. This is long before ‘web hosting’ was a
    concept of any value and the real stuff was Usenet and bang path
03/93 201-759-8450^ tronsbox Belleville NJ 300-FAST 24
Generic 386, UNIX 3.2; Provides shell for some users, USENET, E-Mail
(feeds available) at $15 a month flat; Multiple line (-8568 300 – 2400

That’s all for now… enjoy!