mass quantities – no really, less filling!




mass quantities – no really, less filling!

Well, it’s been a while since I have had a chance to sit down and talk about
life. I am going to do this in one of those ‘bullet item’ lists I am so proud
of…. plus it is the easiest way to organize my thoughts. I have a few blogs
on the back burner for now… hopefully this week will catch me up.

the work situation – it’s been a rough few weeks but it looks like the
tide is slowly turning in our favor. We are taking this week ‘off’ though I
am not sure how useful that will be… we also meant to take this weekend ‘off’
but that didn’t happen. In any case, we are going to take some time this week
to evaluate our working situation and relationship with these guys. We really
like them… so we will be working on finding a way to keep working with them.

speaking of work – I got another e-mail from the wife of that client
from a while back – you remember
the one
. Anyway, every few week or so she reads something in this log that
prompts an e-mail. In the most recent one she decided to try and draw a parallel
from that situation to the one with the client we are working with now. Actually
– there is a parallel… if you keep adding features without changing the deadlines
or bringing new resources online things are going to get pretty bad. Fortunately
we saw it coming much earlier this time and avoided the problem.

Anyway, she wanted to know when they were getting their money back. I am a
little confused by the question to be honest, but judging from the tone of the
e-mail. emotions are running high. We were contracted for our time, we supplied
that time. When there was a problem we supplied that time again as an offer
of customer service. When all is said and done we provided valuable services
in exchange for the money we got… and we always honored our agreements and

Seems to me like the end of the story… it is unfortunate and we wish them
the best of luck. Hopefully the person we worked with directly has a better
view of us and our sincerity.

check out the geek chick!Tatsumi
updated most of her site… but you can start with the bio.

I’m too old for this stuff – on another note, my left knee hurts now.
I think I pulled a tendon in it. I have been teaching more at the Dojo in preparation
for my black belt test, whenever that is. I am much calmer about it this time
around than I was the last time the topic came up more than a year ago (I think).
Ah well, I will do my best when the time comes.

a note to my wayward droogie – to my buddy Christopher I wanted to say
‘hello!’ and when you read this give me a call dammit ๐Ÿ™‚

OK for now, off to sleep!