time for a nap – some short updates




time for a nap – some short updates

In no particular order….

  • Is it me, or is Britney turning into a very hot young lady? She is starting
    to look ‘mature’ and definitely not very team like at the moment but wow is
    it nice. Some images
    from the Superbowl
    show what I mean.
  • I have been watching the Mark
    Chmura rape trial
    on CourtTV and I have to say that this is worth a whole
    lot more than I have time for right now. In short, I don’t think he is guilty
    of the charges and this is exactly the sort of case that shows us how stupid
    many of our current laws are. On the other hand, it’s kind of hot ๐Ÿ™‚ If anyone
    knows of any pictures of "Allison", the accuser let me know!
  • We brought another server online last night with Rackspace. I love those
    people. The technical support is amazing and the service is good. A little
    expensive, but well worth it. When we complete the change over we will be
    running an all Windows2000
    server farm. That lets us do a lot of work with dynamic pages that PHP
    and friends just aren’t able to do for us easily.
  • I am going to take a nap dammit!
  • So far, Client X has been able to keep the panic calls to a minimum, actually
    letting us get work done. Amazing!

Till later, enjoy!