In case that means nothing to you, it rocks.




xml, xsl, .net – it’s a bold new world out there children!

I have seen the future, and it is XML[1][2]
and .NET. Sometime
soon I will put up some in depth tutorials on the topic… but for the moment
let me dazzle you with this.

I get to build custom tags into HTML now! Let’s look at a snippet of code much
liek the one used on "core dump".

<%@ Page Language="vb" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dotPub" TagName="weblog"
SRC="/system/code/ascx/weblog.ascx" %>


<body bgcolor="222242" text="#FFFFFF" link="#CCCCCC"
vlink="#CCCCCC" alink="#CCCCCC">
<dotPub:weblog logxml="core_dump_XML" logxsl="core_dump_default_XSL"
runat=server />


Take a look at that one towards the bottom. <dotPub:weblog /> – that
is all the magic baby. I get to define those little puppies and them stick ’em
into my pages wherever I want. Strictly speaking, I get to define server side
controls that can contain code fragments to be parsed inline.

In case that means nothing to you, it rocks.

No more mixing my HTML and my ASP/VBScript. Not for this kid, I can build a
nice froody
little tag now and put it right in.

I am in hog heaven.
