take my wife, please! – look on the bright side…




Abdul: Cold Hearted

He’s a cold-hearted snake
Look into his eyes
Oh oh oh
He’s been tellin’ lies
He’s a lover boy at play
He don’t play by rules
Oh oh oh
Girl don’t play the fool–no


As some of you might know, I frequent a number of mailing lists… though I
don’t have as much time in recent weeks as I do usually.

In any case, one of the lists I had been on was DOMINANCEsubmission.
An interesting list that I was eventually ejected from.

That’s OK, I certainly support the rights of a list admin do do whatever they
want. Even if they seem to do it in bold, centered comic sans fonted type. Can
you say AOL? I can.

Anyway, so shortly before I flamed someone who desperatly needed flaming I
participated in a thread on the topic of comitted relationships. Notably, on
their effect in a decision to pursue someone you are interested in.

Obviously, this is a complex topic – and one I am not going to try and analyze
completely this entry – but in short the answer for me is that I will pursue
a relationship with someone who is "taken" as long as my pursuit meets
my internal criteria for ethics in both execution and intention.

In any case, this thread was going on for a while, getting heated. Then I got
thrown off before I could respond to a particularly amusing response. Now normally
I wouldn’t feel right quoting a post from a list in another forum but I am making
an exception here because the response is directly to me not the list as a whole
and I have no other forum available.

Here is a quote from a man who is obviously at the end of a very thin, frayed
piece of rope I think it is worth looking at it here ๐Ÿ™‚

"This shit is going to get your ass killed some day. Over my
adult lifetime, I’ve had it with fucking snakes persuing my woman. (It’s
happened successfully twice.) Next time it occures in any serious way,
I’m acquiring a rifle and blowing his ass to hell.

You might not respect a Dominant, but I bet you’d respect his shotgun
once placed up your ass." – name withheld to protect the authors

Hmmm.. now there are some issues happening there I think but I am not really
qualified to play therapist for this guys inner child.

This man, like the poster who started the thread in question, clearly believes
there is some "brotherly" code of ethics that is supposed to keep
me from pursuing a relationship just because he happened to get there first
and plant his flag.

Do these guys really see women as interchangable? Are they really under the
impression that all women are the same? I put it that way because the universal
response seems to be "go find yourself another woman, this one is mine!".


It isn’t a matter of finding myself "another" woman, I want that
one, specifically. Trust me, if I didn’t care about her specifically I wouldn’t
becauseing so much stress for any of us ๐Ÿ™‚

Ah well, I suppose all us snakes are on our own.

On another note, Kimiko
got her paperwork started… so six years after leaving her husband and moving
in with me she is finally going to be getting the divorce!