sheesh – what a night!




sheesh – what a night!

Spent it all working on our current project for Client X. It is a pretty
large one and the really scary thing is that they are still
shipping us content changes even though they think the site was to be delivered
this morning. Ah well, that’s the way clients are. To be fair, it isn’t Client X
but it’s Client X’s client. Got it?

Anyway, I worked like a dog but it’s all set for the morning… that is, as
much of it as they are getting is. Kimiko
had to be pulled in and Sierra
wound up doing some work as well. they big hero here is Tatsumi
– she has been doing a great job of keeping the weirdness out of my hair and she
has been putting in monster hours.

Whatever "props" are girlfriend, you got ’em ๐Ÿ™‚

In any case, I spend the night working and spinning ‘mad jams’ on my radio
, and surfed a little to relieve the stress. The radio station
is still running  – go check it out!

Short Site list:

Anyway… night!