a very fast note – then I am going to SLEEP!




Ok, some items of interest in no particular order:

Something with my system is not entirely happy with Windows 2000 Advanced Server. I am not at all sure what it is. I am seeing some odd display artifacts and other symptoms (Explorer will crash every now and then). I can live with it as I am sure some updates are coming soon and the and my reasons for using Server as opposed to Professional remain intact.

  • I tried this remedy to solve the problem. I don’t know if it worked or not.
  • I am currently 265.0 pounds. Earlier today I was 261.5, so I must have had a lot to eat ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Honor Bliss is a truly outstanding piece of work.
  • I am playing with Odigo as my instant messenger client, it will handle ICQ, AIM and YahooMSN coming soon. As well as it’s own. Looks cool so far, we’ll see if I keep it in the long run.
  • ATI finally released some new drivers for their cards for use with Windows 2000! This includes new stuff for the All-In-Wonder (Rage, not the new one) that might less us do Mpeg capture now!
  • The new version of DirectX is available.
  • I added 64Meg of RAM to Kimiko‘s box, hopefully that will help her speed a bit.
  • Tatsumi looked absolutely yummy on her couch tonight ๐Ÿ™‚

That’s it for now… Night!