WebDAV? – I can feel my mind going…




WebDAV? – I can feel my mind going…

As you are no doubt aware, I live in a world dominated (professionally
anyway) by three big companies.

  • Adobe – the people who make Photoshop
    exist in my life pretty much only for that one thing and maybe Premiere.
    I have tried to like their other stuff… for a little while I thought LiveMotion
    might have a clue but it doesn’t. I thought maybe GoLive!
    might make sense – but it doesn’t. Oh yeah, I like After
  • Microsoft – Well, there is away too much stuff to list here. Office,
    SQL Server,
    and more. Add to that the gift they have given my life with .NET
    and you get the idea. I tried hard to like Frontpage
    for web stuff… but it just isn’t good enough. Though I do use it for quick
    blog entries
    because it is faster to bring up than my favorite tool.
  • Macromedia – They have been a good company for me, growing in
    importance. Professionally I wind up with Director
    every now and then, even though I think it is a dead end tool. Flash
    has changed my life as a web developer and Ultradev
    is the big brother of Dreamweaver,
    a pair of incredible tools. I even like Fireworks,
    though I don’t do my primary graphics in it – just post-production.

Now that I have sufficiently whored myself out in the hopes of a free MSDN
subscription we can get to my point. When one of my tools has a
that is in my main work path, it is a problem for me.

Ultradev/Dreamweaver has a bug in version 4. The bug is in the FTP module and
it makes for some
That’s OK though, I can get to my site another way – with something called WebDAV.
WebDAV is the eventual successor to FTP for authoring websites anyway – so I
tried it a while back when I move to my Rackspace
servers. It didn’t work. 

Why? Because the first version of WebDAV for Ultradev had bugs too. This was
a real problem. Sure, I could use a third party FTP program, but it was pretty
important to keep the check-in/check-out features. So I was screwed for a while,
constantly re-starting the program.

Then I found this….

WebDAV updater
Description: This extension fixes a number of issues with the current
Dreamweaver integration with WebDAV including problems with host
headers, header case-sensitivity, design note encoding,  use of
illegal characters in connection data, port numbers, and unknown file
sizes in the Site window.

Download the Windows WebDAV updater webdavdll.zip
Download the Macintosh WebDAV updater webdavdll.sea.hqx
 – more

Eagerly, I went off and installed it with a gleam in my eye and a song in my
heart. Wonder of wonders, it helped! Yeah, there are still some annoying bugs
but at least I can work without having to kill Ultradev every 10 minutes or so.
By the way, there are two other updates that seem useful.

Netscape 6 Pack
This package provides additional Dreamweaver support for Netscape 6.
This includes Check Target Browser, and JavaScript Behavior updates.
Specifically, behaviors now work correctly across frames in Netscape 6,
Drag Layer works, as well as Set Text of Layers.

the Netscape 6 Pack for Windows
the Netscape 6 Pack for Macintosh
 – more

SourceSafe updater
Description: This extension fixes a number of issues with the current
Dreamweaver integration with Visual SourceSafe (VSS). The Windows
version of the updater fixes several problems with checkout, checkin,
and Design Notes. The Macintosh version fixes these same problems as
well as problems with the Shared Site Column feature and login dialog

Download the Windows SourceSafe updater sourcesafedll.zip
Download the Macintosh SourceSafe updater sourcesafedll.sea.hqx
 – more

Anyway, this is about it for now, sorry to make it so techie but sometimes it
happens that way.