no catchy title – I am way too tired




Well, so far so good. Let’s recap the last few days:

  • Found out that you can buy disposable helium tanks for $29
  • Spent a hour blowing up green balloons for the kids at my Dojo to carry during the St. Patrick’s day parade
  • Walked about 3.5 miles herding them… straight lines, even spacing, don’t pop your #$$&*@ ballon
  • Remembered that having windows “stretch” your wallpaper image slows things down by lots, pulled it into Photoshop and made it the right size
  • Read some more stuff at Evhead
  • Had a great evening out with Tatsumi
  • Spent more time broadcasting on my Live365 station
  • Failed to take time to watch Hollow Man, yet
  • Hung out with the gang from Leather and Roses
  • Worked something like 60 hours for Client X
  • Realized once again my design skills are completely inadequate
  • Screwed around more with Odigo… it’s growing on me
  • Read “Forever Peace” – not a bad read and worth checking out for SciFi fans, but the pacifism worship was a little heavy for me

Well, I have more to say later – this was just a fast update ๐Ÿ™‚