Lazarus was a total wimp…




I’m not dead. Really. I have just been off doing other stuff. I know, it was very bad of me but I am back!

Let’s do the recap:

  • My machine is up and running fine. I am having a good time with Windows2000 Server and it is all golden. Most of my software is back on and that’s a good thing.
  • I am sick like a dog. Hopefully I will be better by the time my Dojo class comes.
  • I went to a LARP called “CapChron” and it was pretty cool. I have many ideas for a LARP of our own and amazingly enough, we are already set to do it. Go take a look at our project!
  • I finished a few books.
  • Tatsumi did an outstanding job with organizing our Taxes.
  • Kimiko and I have been hitting the gym every day or so, she has to work on trimming down and I have to get ready for my black belt test. God, this thing is making me nuts.
  • Kimiko and I have also been teaching at the dojo. I have been doing like 5 hours a week and she has been doing 3-5. It is taking up extra time but I really enjoy it. it is a good way to make sure I have all my thoughts together and focused.
  • My fish tank is green again, but I am going to go back to “socking it” every other day or so.
  • I am really looking forward to WindowsXP!
  • Some people are just too funny.
  • Chelle is still >fine<.
  • Ok… time for me to go to sleep. I tried to do it hours ago and couldn’t – I felt way too miserable to make it happen. So now I have to call Tatsumi (that’s our deal) and she is going to yell at me for not taking care of myself. That’s love for ya!