the flu sucks – phlegm at 11




the flu sucks – phlegm at 11

Ok… I think it is pretty cool that "phlegm" is in the spell

I am sick. Really sick. Dog sick. So sick that I sat on the "wimp
bench" with Kimiko
last night at my Dojo. I don’t think I will be able to teach tonight and I had
to cancel time at a clients. It is not cool. In other news, Tatsumi
is doing a fantastic job getting our taxes in order.

Business is going OK but our primary client doesn’t have much work for us at
the moment. This is not really a good thing. it has shown me that we simply
cannot be in a position to depend on a single client – no matter how big they
are. They want us to give them priority and are happy we don’t have any other
major projects – but that doesn’t help us when they don’t need us.

All eggs + 1 basket = problems

So, we will be digging up more work from other sources – I want to see if we
can find some design work. I have a great staff and we are really humming as a
team. This would be a good chance to turn our attention to something else.
besides, Client X isn’t paying us nearly what we are currently worth… but
about 50%.

Speaking of design and work and clients. I think I missed my calling in life.
I should be working for "Planet
". The design kicks ass and the name of the company is pretty
cool. I could be a model scout, honest. I would be good at it! The software is
good, the photography
is great,
the design
rocks and the girls
are slammin’.
It’s all on the up and up it’s legal.

Clearly, I missed my calling.

You know, I miss the beauty biz. Not really the porn stuff I used to write
code for but the whole business of being involved with pretty people and pretty
things for a living. If I had my way we would be keeping a roof over ourselves
with a few glamour ventures I have in mind – not turning out corporate stuff.
It’s very disappointing and sort of leads me to think I am not following my

I’ll have to think about that ๐Ÿ™‚

Ok… sleep now.