a bunch of cool stuff – info and so on from around the net




a bunch of cool stuff – info and so on from around the net

I am going to just put up a bunch of things here from my latest romp around
the web:

Equal Pay Day 2001 might be a farce.
Anyone who reads me for long knows I am no big fan of radical feminism… but
some of the weirdness has basically become mainstream. No one bothers to check
the facts – they just spout it all out because it is politically correct. In
this case, it turns out that there is some evidence that the "wage gap"
between men and women is basically a fiction created by feminist lobbying groups.
The Independent Women’s Forum
has the story.
Obviously, the folks at ‘feminist
media watch
‘ are not happy.

‘Why Community Matters‘ is an article
over at kuro5hin.org.
I don’t really agree with the political slant put on it, but Rusty
is an intelligent guy and his stuff is worth a read.
There are some interesting points inside – I just don’t share the fear that
is also evident.

Lord Britishtells
it all! You might remember him as the guy who created Ultima way, way back.
If you don’t remember, you can read all about the ‘old days’ in the book Hackers,
I highly recommend it. His real name is Richard
and his NDA recently expired with Electronic
so he can talk freely. His interview
lets him talk about Ultima and Ultima
. Enjoy.

Amy Jo Kim seems like an interesting person. She has a lot
to say
on the topic of online communities and I tracked down a few links.
You can find them with this Google
. There is an interview here,
and another one here
to get you started.

A priceless lawsuit. Mastercard has tried to threaten the editor of
While I can’t say I know him, I have been reading RHF
for years and years now – so I obviously know of Brad
. Information about the lawsuit is here,
and the joke they are so upset by is here.