hop, hop, hop – bunny baby!




hop, hop, hop – bunny baby!

I had a good holiday, and a happy Easter to everyone I didn’t get to talk to!
I had ham and roast beef and it was pretty cool – the family time was nice.

I have a slight pain in my left ankle, so I didn’t run today – and my arms
are still recovering from my latest workout at the gym (Saturday). I have added
1 pound wrist weights to my bag work so my arms are pretty unhappy with me.
That’s OK, they’ll get stronger.

The work situation is OK, but getting a bit tense. We have enough cushion to
carry us for a little bit – but we need to lock in a full bore contract this
week or we will be in some trouble. Tatsumi
has done a great job with the business end of the company – but
without actual income she can only do so many miracles. Client X is still ina 
slowdown – and while I might be able to scratch some hours out of it – it would
be network admin stuff and only for me.

That isn’t going to work for us.

We are a development and design house. I know what we are worth an hour.. We
are good at what we do – and we have the facilities to do it well. There is no
way I am going to waste this our time while I do network admin stuff (on site)
for much less than our real value. I like Client X – hopefully
their work needs will match our skill set soon before we get caught up in
someone else.

On the other hand, this is a good chance for us to take what we have learned
and look for bigger fish.

Oh yeah, web/lint is alive and well. Hit the "logs"
link from the menu.

Anyway – sleep time (finally!)