i’m not evil – but i wanna be




There is a bunch of ground to cover tonight – so I am going to jump right in.

Dojo news – I had a good night at class tonight. It went well and my confidence is raising. My Judo in particular is feeling strong. My timing seems OK and my stamina is coming along. Yes, I was breathing kind of hard at the end of my fights, but nothing I don’t feel like I can control when I have to. I had a match against one of the people who will be testing with me and he was breathing as hard as I was – so I guess I am doing OK.

My Sensei was making calls to several of his friends in the arts and inviting them to come watch the test. He really seems proud and happy to be able to gather them. I can only assume this means he has confidence in us otherwise he would not be inviting people he has such respect for.

On another note, we were reminded one of the guys who tested before us couldn’t go to work for a solid week – that’s how bruised and sore he was. Fun!

Do you Odigo? I do. I am a big fan of this underdog IM system. While Jabber seems to get more press, the folks at Odigo just go along kicking serious ass. They have updated so they are ready for the future and all is well! They have some really cool stuff happening – check it out! I am Odigo #3579712. While I am at it, I am soulhntre on AIM/AOL and 275066 on ICQ.

Big iPaq news out in the world. I might have to exchange mine. They upgraded! Yup, the current model (3670) has 64 meg of memory onboard instead of my 32 (the 3600). I like it! I am going to see about doing a straight swap.

Congratulations to Blogger! Trellix has licensed Blogger from Pyra. This has incredible implications for our favorite little company (aside from us of course!). The Trellix press release is here In an incredibly cool convergence of it’s own technology, the entire deal is addressed from separate blogs. Dan Bricklin‘s covers it from Trellix’s side of the fence and Evan Williams covers it as one of the last folks standing at Pyra in his blog. He also has a great piece about what happened at Pyra. The New York Times has an article as well.

Speaking of the Times, they have an interesting article on the failings of the death penalty.

Mr. Mauk has re-thought his approach to capital punishment. “I was stunned by the insurmountable difficulties of overcoming the conviction, even though there was evidence of innocence,” he said. “Without Ed Matthews and his firm, Don Paradis would have been killed a long time ago.” – full text

That’s it for now … sleep time!