long day – long night




long day – long night

I am going to sleep!

I had a good day today … got a lot of work done on the girl2
transition to the new server (that is our last tie to Linux)
and that will go a long way to saving us some money. CCbill
really came through for us with a install in less than 3 hours. I love those
people. Tatsumi
really kicked ass too getting some of our other content online.

Kimiko taught
at the dojo tonight (Tuesday) – she did a great job and Sensei seemed very
pleased. While I was they’re to pick her up we got talking and he made sure I
knew that what I need to do now is make sure I don’t get hurt… nothing I can
do in the next 1.5 weeks will make much difference in my body except an injury.
That is great advice and I am going to start slowing down on the lifting.
The pool and the heavy bag are my friends this week – next week it is all the
pool to minimize joint stress.

I have to go to ClientX in the morning – but I don’t think I will be there
long. They don’t seem to have any work for us and I have no desire to spin my
wheels. We need another main contract ASAP and I can’t make that happen if I am
tuning backup software.