work it – baby




work it – baby

Had a pretty long day today. Went in to Client X’s office to work on their
network backup, wound up having to re-load an entire computer.

  • Bad News: They don’t have anything for us in the very short term
  • Good News: It looks like they will let us use some of what we
    worked on in our portfolio
  • Bad News: We don’t have another client lined up
  • Good News: They want us to submit a proposal for an internal
    development project of theirs that could lead to work in the relatively near

Spent the evening with Tatsumi,
relaxing and watching the tube. We haven’t spent much relaxed time together of
late and it was good to get away from all the pressure for a few hours out here.

I didn’t work out today – I have a fair amount of joint pain in my left
shoulder and ankle so I am going to go onto a 1 on 1 off schedule for the next
week. Every day is good for building but it isn’t going to let me heal in time.
On the off days I’ll just swim laps and maybe walk.

Ok… night!